Lyons Radio Network

Spiritual Intelligence, Spiritualist and Medium Celeste Elliott



Personally, I find my beliefs to be in a constant state of change and evolution… but I hold fast to the bedrock belief in an intelligent, loving, and compassionate creator, who allows us to continue to communicate with those we love after the transition we call death. No relationship is beyond being healed. You can always speak to your loved ones who have passed over: out loud, in a letter, in your prayers or your thoughts and they will hear you. A session with me will be helpful to you in catching the signs and messages your loved ones are sending back. Also, please remember – if you are in grief over the loss of a loved one, I believe there is great help available from counselors and other related professionals. My mediumship practice is founded on a few simple concepts: Mediumship is about your connection with your creator and is part of the path to enlightenment. Mediumship/Intuition is a birthright; everyone has it just as everyone is animated by that little spark of the divine. Mediumship is Spirit