Serial Dater

Episode 7 - The Artist



You guys, we made it! The final episode is finally here! It’s a little stitched together with paper clips and rubber bands, but it should hold together. I’ve been on the road, and the travel mic doesn’t quite sound as good as my mic at home, so if you hear some sound quality variance, it’s me not you. If you prefer to wait, I’ll be uploading a clean version of this episode once I get back to the US. Oof, I have a million thank-yous to do, and I’m almost certain I’ll forget some. The easy one up top is to TONGUES., without whom I sort of can’t imagine this series? Like, maybe if it hadn’t worked out I would have figured out something else, but thank god I didn’t need to. Please go find their music on Spotify, Apple Music and Amazon Music, and check out their web site, where you can find links to all the social medias.Thanks to Will de Renzy-Martin for performing the voice of Phil! You can find out more about Will by clicking here. Again special thanks to all the actors I worked with this s