Restoration On Fire With Doug Philp

013 - John 7:24



"Do not judge according to appearance, but judge with righteous judgment." Unfortunately the Greek language does not always translate well into the English language. The word 'judge' for example, are we not a society today getting all bent on being judged by others? Yeah. All to often however this is because no one wants light shown upon their shortcoming, or sin. The word we use, 'judge,' in the has different meanings. Some such as: scrutinize, to ask, or to seek truth; and not just condemnation, though the Greek has this meaning as well. In Matthew chapter 7 Jesus tells us "Judge not,..." in which He is speaking of condeming others while you yourself are just as sinful. Don't do it because the same judgment will be used for you. But rather, focus on yourself. Get you right before the Lord, and then help others, not condemn them. 1 Corinthians chapter 2 tells us, 'he who is spiritual judges all things.' This 'judges' is not a condemning judging but one in which you would seek or ask for more informati