Restoration On Fire With Doug Philp

028 - Galatians 2:6b



"God shows personal favoritism to no man" Each of us are on level ground in the eyes of God. Title or position in life has no relevance. Likewise, lack of title or position has no relevance. It is man who shows partiality. It is man who puts one over another in class or favor. It is man who believes he is better than others. God's way, His understanding, is the path man needs most. Sadly, man refuses. That said, as an individual, you personally can be accepted by God simply by walking in His righteousness. This begins in true humility as you accept that you are no better, and no worse, than any other person. Do not place personal favor over some than others, and do not believe yourself to be better, or worse, than others. Righteousness is first found in Jesus as your Lord and Savior - believe this in your heart, confess it with your mouth and you begin a new life. For it is with your heart that you believe and with your mouth confess Jesus is Lord and you will be saved. God's righteousness begins