Gospel Conversations

Living in the Light of the Future: Universal Restoration and Practical Theology—Robin Parry



Robin's final talk in our series explores perhaps the most significant question of all: "How does a belief in universal salvation influence my life and service in the world—including things like evangelism, counselling, and taking funerals?" Robin is a pastor as well as a theologian, and he brings a wealth of practical experience to this huge question. Does universal salvation mute the gospel and just make us melt into a kind of uncritical pantheism? Robin argues that universal salvation, far from muting our voice in the world, amplifies our voice, and the many ways through which we can bless the world.Podcast (iTunes, Spotify, PodBean, and SoundCloud platforms):https://GospelConversations.com/podcast Slides:https://www.slideshare.net/gospelconversations/living-in-the-light-of-the-future-universal-restoration-and-practical-theologyrobin-parry YouTube Channel:https://YouTube.com/user/GospelConversations Social Media:https://Facebook.com/GospelConversationshttps://Twitter.com/GospelConvers Website:https://Gospe