
14: Deadfool



This Episode: Sarah has high standards. Deadpool, Deadpool, Deadpool. Soundtracks are important. Non-Marvel Marvel movies usually suck. All four of us are scary movie wimps. Marshall gets lost chronologically. Josh dies hard. Firewatch lets us Choose Our Own Adventure. Bryn delves into some older comics. How's that new Kanye album? Shoes are expensive. We had a blast discussing this stuff and hope you enjoy listening! If you do, we'd appreciate a rating on iTunes. If you'd like to chat, you can find us on Twitter at @vicarious_fm, or you can join our Slack team! Bryn Jackson is @uberbryn Joshua Sortino is @sortino Sarah Jackson is @sarahberus Marshall Bock is @marshallbock ###Sponsor Hired is a free, no-obligation job search service. If you or someone you know is looking for a job in the software engineering or design field, check out Hired. Use our special link to get a $2,000 bonus when you sign up and accept a job, or get $1337 for a successful referral. Many thanks to Hired for sponsoring this week's s