Javascript to Elm

3: Collections



News and updates Elm Conf Sept 28th Link Elm discuss Google and Elm Slack Community Packages Reddit Slack Twitter Real Life Mailing list Contributing Elm Town Eposide 18, Mario Rogic I went to React Rally 2017 Amazing Sean Larkin, Shirley Wu, Lin Clark, Max Stoiber, Preethi Kasireddy, Henry Zhu, Michael Jackson Live streamed, but the presentations are up. Learned that Elm is compiled in Haskell Would like to see Elm compile to webassembly .wasm Collections Lists First and formost IMMUTABLE So we don’t push, we .append and that returns a new List value Super rad compiler, helping out the noob Gist Don’t add a string to a string collection, you append a List String, to a List type of String Can concat with the ‘++’ like a string It has no methods or build in functionality Use the List module like or List.filter This can be a bit strange. We are often used to running/appling/calling something kind of method on a type. Well types don’t have methods, JS objects do, and we’re not in JS Land