Javascript to Elm

30: Total Elm



Better Ports The actor model concurrent and fault tolerant info in / info out like chatting in slack Erlang / Elixir, web workers Just One Port out going / One Port incoming stop with the JS wrapping api simplify JS down to its data Treating JS as a black box Incoming Data from JS to Elm and Outgoing data for Elm to JS Data will be a new type GenericData {tag: String, data: Json.Encode.Value} Tag will be our pattern match and tell us what to do with the data How does that work in our case with React ? initPorts can be function removed from living in the actual React component, So in rendering another Elm ‘component’ would we want to have separate init methods ? Not really. So don’t for get! “elm lang I cannot find module” "source-directories": ["./src/elm"], port module JSInterop exposing (..) import Note exposing (Note, noteDecoder, noteListDecoder) import Json.Decode exposing (Decoder, decodeValue) import Json.Encode sendData : OutgoingData -> Cmd msg sendData info = cas