Javascript to Elm

47: Elm 0.19



It’s Here, the release of Elm 0.19 Elm-Conf is soon!!!! Come join me Quick Hits function-level dead code elimination Across the entire ecosystem faster compile times, by a lot Nicer Parse Errors Better Docs on types, interop, and SPA packages elm/time elm/url elm/json elm/browser Html.beginner becomes Browser.element and Browser.document Single elm binary so elm-make is now just elm make Other renaming elm-package.json is now just elm.json Encode and Decode are now under elm/json all elm-lang are now just elm/* Removed User-Defined Operators Perf for collections on foldr which is gonna be List, Array, Dic, and Set getViewport The build up You can see the outline of that learning path in the Browser module. It lets you create Elm programs with the following functions: sandbox — react to user input, like buttons and checkboxes element — talk to the outside world, like HTTP and JS interop document — control the and application — create single-page apps It’s really really small!!! elm-core