Javascript to Elm

70: Haskell Serverless



Finally Ready to Go We’ve got our environment all set up so let’s get going! Steps A new stack project using the template stack new my-haskell-lambda --resolver=lts-12.13 --omit-packages Say it with me “stack is not like NPM, it is NOT a package manager” stack handles the management of your tool-chain. resolver ? Specifies which snapshot is to be used for this project. A snapshot defines a GHC version, a number of packages available for installation, and various settings like build flags. It is called a resolver since a snapshot states how dependencies are resolved. There are currently four resolver types: omit-packages ? this leaves the extra-depsflag commented out in the stack.yml Added to stack.yml packages: - . extra-deps: - aws-lambda-haskell-runtime-1.0.9 initially I had only added the extra-deps. I didn’t realize that having added --omit-packages I still needed to add packages . running make and we’