Javascript to Elm

Special Guest Blake Thomas



Co-organizer of Elm in the Spring Sponsers eSpark Learning Hubtrain NoRedInk Span Tree Work at NoRedInk? Trying to outdo each other for conferences? Elm as an interest Stop using react and start using Elm! Skeptical about it Type safety, functional, less errors! Reasonably new. Pre 0.16 Prototype in Elm, measure differences. Metric for success, developer happiness. Arch of developer happiness Confident devs Beat the deadlines only 4 months long, by 2 weeks Magnitude less errors Business Happiness Once they had the logic down Corey Hanes Ruby advocate turned Elm Programming confidently Sunken cost bias Counter argument - it’s not an all or nothing. Ports/Routes/Elmify Cost of maintenance - easiest software to maintain is zero lines JS boilerplate code, and wiring overhead Elm careful curation of features Crystal Programming Language Ary Elm Conference in the middle in the year Resources Elm in the Spring