
S2E02 “Spring is Sprung”: the Land of Orphan Socks



This episode finds the Backers ruminating on the theme "Spring is Sprung". There's palpable excitement as PAKA sweaters, backed in season 1, have arrived. Chris drinks a gose which affords Brian space to pronounce his profound disgust in a choice of beverage that is "spoiled beer". The Backers discuss the news that a Kickstarter executive is throwing shade at Indiegogo for fudging their numbers. Brian puts spring in his step with a campaign that will disincentivize sock demons from carrying his garments to the Land of Orphan Socks. Chris bends this fortnight's theme to his will with a very literal interpretation of "spring" to back a new clicky pen, while also backing a once in a lifetime record by a couple that has been performing together for two decades. For episode links, visit the episode post on our website at