Radiant Mix

15: The Power of Activism, Faith and Hope with Helen Boxwill



In this episode of Radiant Mix, Hope McGrath is joined by her mother, Helen Boxwill, a celebrated educator and lifelong activist. They both spend time discussing current events such as domestic terrorism, the state of race relations in America, immigration, how to keep the faith and dive in or continue with your activism plus some insightful personal stories and inspiration to have hope and keep the faith.  “Eventually we will win because the arc of justice will prevail.” - Helen Boxwill SHOW HIGHLIGHTS: Get to know Hope McGrath’s mom who has dedicated her life to activism, education and anti-racism work Learn tips on what it takes to commit to igniting positive change Storytelling of the fears and concerns of everyday citizens regarding race in America A few history lessons and important tragic news stories based on racism that must be discussed Expert activist suggestions on how to get involved. LINKS:   Blaming Trump is too easy: This is us.  Eddie Glaude, the chair of the Department of African America