IAN Seminar Series

Chesapeake Bay Sentinel Site Cooperative



The Chesapeake Bay Sentinel Site Cooperative (CBSSC) is a partnership among local, state and federal agencies as well as academic institutions, non-profit organizations, local communities and regional organizations. The Cooperative brings together experts from scientific, resource management, and environmental stewardship organizations to inform local management decisions relating to coastal flooding and sea level rise. The CBSSC is made up of six core ecological Sentinel Sites each collecting long-term data including marsh elevation, water levels, water quality, and vegetation type and distribution. The Cooperative also connects to and relies on broader observing networks such as the National Water Level Observation Network, or NWLON, and the Virginia Estuarine and Coastal Observing System (VECOS). The CBSSC strives to better coordinate existing resources among partners while reducing redundancy and increasing effectiveness in understanding sea level rise and coastal flooding. A cooperative, by definition, i