Zebra Smash - Real Financial Planners | Real Conversations

Episode 4 - An Evening With Andy Millard, Video Expert



Roger caught up with financial planner/Congressional candidate/teacher/school principal/video master Andy Millard at the Technology Tools for Today conference in beautiful Garden Grove, CA. Ben was safe and sound in his house in North Carolina. And despite being in different time zones, the three of us harnessed the Awesome Power of Technology to talk about how advisors can use videos to better connect with clients, prospects, and even potential employees. Andy touched on some critical elements of what makes a good advisor video: Be authentic Keep it short, as in 30 seconds. If it's longer than 2 minutes, you're toast. Make 1 point, and make it interesting Tell a story. Use a script, if possible. Use evergreen content Andy also mentioned a few technical items for better quality videos: Zoom H1 recorder, for recording separate audio Giant Squid Audio Lab Omnidirectional Microphones You can turn your iPad into a telemprompter. Learn how! Some of the favorite videos we mention in the podcast are still avai