Zebra Smash - Real Financial Planners | Real Conversations

Episode 8 - Angry Man Yells at Cloud



When I (Ben) played basketball in high school, we used to have plays called "quick hitters," where the play involved 1-2 passes at most. (Having said that, my junior year we went 3-22, so...). Nostalgia aside, we have a Quick Hitter episode for everyone this week. Roger compiled some data on what it might cost to move to move his document storage to the cloud and nearly burst a blood vessel. And rather than do anything about it, we thought it would be therapeutic for him to share his information and his rage. Ben tries to talk Roger off the ledge, and more or less succeeds...or does he? No real show notes for this one, but we thought we'd share links to our respective document management solutions.  Worldox NetDocuments