Zebra Smash - Real Financial Planners | Real Conversations

Episode 11 - Death by Proxy



Is a fiduciary obligated to vote proxies?  If so, how would a firm implement a proxy voting policy?  What is our proxy voting obligation on positions the client insists on owning? We cover all of this stuff in a quick episode.  Roger's firm has been voting proxies for several years now, so he has built up a decent amount of knowledge (and rage!) on the subject. Vanguard's proxy voting policy: https://about.vanguard.com/vanguard-proxy-voting/voting-guidelines/ Dimensional Fund Advisor's Corporate Governance Page:  https://us.dimensional.com/about-us/corporate-governance Blackrock/iShares Proxy Information and Policies https://www.blackrock.com/investing/products/mutual-funds/proxy-information