Zebra Smash - Real Financial Planners | Real Conversations

Episode 24 - Required Minimum Distributions From Qualified Accounts [CFP CE Credit Eligible]



Our first ever "by request" episode! Dave O'Brien from Evolution Advisers challenged us some months ago to do an episode on required minimum distributions from qualified accounts, and after hemming and hawing we finally ran out of excuses. So here it is! Join us on a whirlwind tour of the exciting world of RMDs, as we touch on:  How to calculate RMDs, including rules about determining account balances and participant ages Different rules on when RMDs start, depending on employment status and type of qualified account Qualified Longevity Annuity Contracts (QLACs) and Qualified Charitable Donations (QCDs).  Rules on post-death RMDs for a variety of beneficiaries Challenges faced by beneficiaries who inherit Inherited IRAs Neat Links: Natalie Choate's Life and Death Planning for Retirement Benefits (7th Edition) is the end-all/be-all of all things RMD related. You can order it at Ataxplan Publications.  The IRS provides a shockingly good reference website document for RMDs: Michael Kitces has written on a n