Zebra Smash - Real Financial Planners | Real Conversations

Episode 29 - Hurricanes, Earthquakes, and Rodents of Unusual Size - Business Continuity, with Cindi Hill



All three items mentioned in this episode's title are terrifying in their own way. And you'd better make sure you have some sort of business continuity plan in case your firm is impacted by any of them, especially the Rodents of Unusual Size. Compliance expert Cindi Hill of Hill Compliance Advisors walks us through some important considerations for business continuity and disaster recovery in light of Roger's recent experience with Hurricane Irma.  In this episode, we touch on: Establishing policies for when the office will close. Consider following the lead of a local institution, like a nearby university Regulatory requirements for business continuity and disaster recovery plans, including the death or disability of the owner or other key employees Important questions to cover in such plans, including: Who will wind down the business? Who will reimburse clients (if necessary)? How will clients be notified?  How will your office be up and running within 48 hours of any shutdown? What supplies would you nee