Zebra Smash - Real Financial Planners | Real Conversations

Episode 72 - Diversity and Inclusion in Financial Planning - Lazetta Rainey Braxton



It usually only takes one look around a conference ballroom to figure out that the majority of the financial planning industry consists of middle-aged white men. That's a problem, because the demographics of our society are changing. Shouldn't the financial advisory industry change, too? We're joined on this episode by Lazetta Rainey Braxton, founder and CEO of Financial Fountains, to talk about diversity (and the lack thereof) in financial services. In addition to her numerous other activities, Lazetta was part of the Diversity Advisory Group of the CFP Board Center for Financial Planning, which published Racial Diversity in Financial Planning: Where We Are and Where we Must Go at its first ever Diversity Summit in October, 2018. Our conversation touches on the many findings and suggestions put forward in the Center's report.