Nail The Sale

Interview with Char McPherson - Episode 73



Imagine getting started in Real Estate in 2008 as the market was crashing!  But that's exactly what Char McPherson did and her discipline, tenacity as well as her willingness to look at her failures as a chance to change and succeed helped her win during that tough economic time.  Char's recommendations, get over yourself, it's not about you.  Someone needs you TODAY.  To go from average to amazing it takes structure and discipline.  Plan your activities and hold yourself accountable.  "If you only put in a partial effort, you're going to say it doesn't work", Char adds.  Listen for the nugget towards the end when Char tells you how to hire the right person to help you grow exponentially.  "As an entrepreneur, it's not an easy road and there will be times that you question your decision and the Vision you had"  persevere.  Char's book recommendation:  Fail UP:  20 Lessons on Building Success from Failure by Tavis Smiley  ('s call to action:  Be naturally curious about Change.