Happy Employees

Happy Employees in the Workplace ~ with Cindy Flynn



An interview with Cindy Flynn on happy employees in the workplace. Cindy Flynn (Hackler, Flynn & Associates) speaks with Geoff Johansing about how happy employees in the workplace can be obtained. Ensuring an employee is a good fit for a company helps create a happier employee in the workplace. It's very valuable to put a lot of time and energy and education into your employees and ensure that they're a good fit for the company in the company culture. Come up with a 10 step process in hiring and set clear expectations in your job posting. Have a clear way that the candidate can contact you, and envision what that looks like. As you're going through the process, you're screening them and making sure that it's a good fit. In addition to having that person's boss interview, perhaps, the people that they're going to be working with as well. It's good to come up with five or six other people in the office who will be working closely with that person to buy-in on the interview process. That way you ensure everyo