Happy Employees

How Defining a Clear Direction For Your Company Creates Happy Employees ~ with Tom Reynolds



An interview with Tom Reynolds on how defining a clear direction for your company creates happy employees. A key to happy employees is defining a clear direction for your company. When you have a company, you need to have a plan. A big strategic plan. What you need to do is carve it down to a 90 day period that people can really digest. A couple of pages, easily read and simply written. It gets everybody on the team all rowing in the same direction.  It starts with the simplest piece of business. What is your mission? What is your vision? And what are your values? A mission needs to be very simple. Your mission is a clear statement about what you do. You start with the mission, vision, and values. The mission tells briefly what you do. The vision is, what we need right now. It gives people a direction. Here's where we're going. Let's get there. Having that common focus and everyone knowing where we're going is key to everyone being on the same page and expectations are clear. The third thing, which is super i