Staying Healthy Naturally- Dr. Gary Kracoff

Puremedy: Made from Nature's Medicine Cabinet



Founder Joni Siegel believes nature gives us all the tools we need to heal what ails us and to live healthy and prosperous lives. Equally important, she believes science must be explored in order to fully understand these natural remedies and how best to utilize them. In our family, we’ve seen hundreds and hundreds of examples of how this amazing salve has healed all sorts of things from third degree burns, to diabetic foot sores, bed sores, gangrene, surgical infections and much more. But it’s not enough to simply ‘believe’ our salve is effective. It is our job to prove it. We believe it is our mission to make our salve available to everyone on the planet using the purest ingredients available with the gentlest environmental footprint possible, and to help reduce the global mis-use of antibiotics. Joni explains the healing properties of Puremedy, why we need to stop using aluminum containing deodorants and some simple, healthy solutions.