Rail The Berm

Episode 247: Thanks For The Memories



On this episode, Tyler Brown runs down the 2019 World Cup and takes you through the demise of the American pro class. Tyler’s dream team is a hodge podge of dudes with questionable nicknames. Joshua McLean receives the great honor of an RTB Nails Award and boy are his arms tired. Iron Kingdom lays it down while you pick up their track White Wolf. Lastly, Thrive Racing wants you to scream Thrive Baby Thrive for a pair of Thrive 20 x 1-1/8 Innovator carbon rims. Rail The Berm Website (https://www.railtheberm.com/) RTB is full-factory sponsored by... Thrive Racing (https://thriveracing.com) RTB is co-factory sponsored by... The Catalyst Pedal (https://pedalinginnovations.com/) Listen To R.T.B On Amazon Alexa (https://www.amazon.com/Rail-Berm-Bicycle-Motocross-Show/dp/B0742QTH16/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2BJKKGQAQ4C6Q&keywords=rail+the+berm+the+bicycle+motocross+show&qid=1555861454&s=digital-skills&sprefix=Rail+T%2Caps%2C181&sr=1-1-spell)