Rail The Berm

Episode 248: Thrive Baby Thrive



On this episode, Jeff Miller of Thrive Racing commits himself to racing your Pro-Am. Send him an invite. He will show up guaranteed. During our fan call Tyler Brown is relegated to a trivia question. How far he has fallen! We introduce a new segment called Kook Factor High Kook Factor Low. Old schoolers get your torches and bring Mr. T. with you. The Tangent Pro Am brings you the race results from the weekend. Colin says days and Brad says rounds. Do you care? Probably not. Lastly, Dick Cheeseburger finally has something interesting to say. Rail The Berm Website (https://www.railtheberm.com/) RTB is full-factory sponsored by... Thrive Racing (https://thriveracing.com) RTB is co-factory sponsored by... The Catalyst Pedal (https://pedalinginnovations.com/) Listen To R.T.B On Amazon Alexa (https://www.amazon.com/Rail-Berm-Bicycle-Motocross-Show/dp/B0742QTH16/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2BJKKGQAQ4C6Q&keywords=rail+the+berm+the+bicycle+motocross+show&qid=1555861454&s=digital-skills&sprefix=Rail+T%2Caps%2C181&sr=1-1-spell)