Footnotes Of History

M2 - What TV Gets Wrong, Exhibit #382: Mosley and the Samurai



It’s not a big secret that TV shows based in history are sometimes a bit slapdash. Often it’s time pressures, it’s adaptation for drama or even just the taste of the producer. But in this episode, your Oracles of Truth kick around two previous Dispatches topics and get to grips with the “potential” truths that could be being told to you by your very own television RIGHT NOW! These first concern the Rugby World Cup – this year in Japan no less, whose history is as dark as it is mysterious and as misunderstood as it is celebrated. The second, equally dark topic, is that of British fascism and its infamous leader Sir Oswald Mosley, its origins and its surprisingly uncontentious way of running things at the time. As always, if you want to get your controversies brought to you on a silver platter, sign up to our email list on the homepage at!