Buddhist Meditations

DOA 127 Without Self ..



Dhamma on Air #127: Without a Self .. Corresponding Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rft7CjckQH4 Question 382: What is the karmic effect of killing animals, for example: Driving over a cat and killing i Question 383: A: Venerable sir, why did Holocaust happen in this samsara? B: Could mastery of the Dhamma be so that one who trained and cultivated it, still could radiate happiness and love in moments of mass despair and suffering? Question 384: A: Is it due to the 5 hindrances, that one accepts belief in an eternal soul without investigating? B: What is the best way to handle such statements, when persons start talking about "their soul and god?" Dhamma on Air #14: The 5 Hindrances https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AF-m7FuFzII https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o4LRm8K-uSc https://soundcloud.com/bhikkhu-samahita/dhamma-on-air-14-audio Thanx for your advantageous attention, clever consideration and kind contribution. Thanx to all to Dayakas, Supporters, and especially the Regular Monthly Donors. T