Ballots And Bottles

Golden Globes & Sloppy Steve



If we don’t talk about the Golden Globes did they really even happen? Yes. But like, we’re still going to give you our opinion, because what would the world be like without our opinions... AMIRIGHT? In this episode, recorded on Wednesday, January 10th, the ladies breakdown the Golden Globes from their perspectives, while drinking in Lexi’s opinion the worlds worst wine- Big House Wine Co. 'Bootlegger Series - Lucky Luciano' Bootlegger White. Also discussed is Fire and Fury the book newly released to personally victimize Trump. With that, the ladies of course talk more about Steve Bannon deemed by Trump as “Sloppy Steve”, a little bit about breightbart and fake news in general and of course they have to talk about Trumps day to day work schedule seems to have a lot of “executive time” for Trump to tug his “button”. That’s not a fact, but is anything really factual these days? Exactly. Five star reviews, follows us on social media and as always spread the good word- to family, friends, distant relatives, ne