Ballots And Bottles

Fake it 'till you bake it!



It's not the quantity of the stories we tell, its the quality of the content we talk about! And the content is obviously good because its primarily about ourselves... Obviously. Audio is OK, but we're not rich yet, so we can't afford the equipment that makes us sound pretty. Bottom line, we're coming at you with cutting edge news. This week the ladies breakdown everything you need to know in 2 minutes- a mix between pop culture, sports, politics and our environment. Our two top stories? Bill Clinton, obviously. Guy had a really hard time dealing with Craig Melvin this week. And then we talk about controversy surrounding a baker who decided not to bake a gay couple a cake for their wedding. Like WTF?! Per usual... throw us a like, a follow, write a review, tell a friend... do something to acknowledge our existence. Twitter: @BalottsBottles @LexiDussi @EllenFlem Instagram: @BalottsBottles @LexiDussi @EllenFlem