Ballots And Bottles

"Womp, Womp"



We are back for another great week of news. Well, I suppose it's not a "great" week of news when we're talking about children in cages... but you get the point! Ellen is drinking, Lexi isn't because she started a new workout program. Most important, the ladies give their updates. Lexi shares her experience at the Ice Cream Museum and Ellen talks about her upcoming trip to Aruba. And then of course they cover the top headlines which primarily turns into a quick rundown of their opinions and then they spend the majority of the time talking about the migrant children being torn from their families. WTF? As a friend of ours reminded us- "we like our children like we like our eggs. Cage Free". Listen, review (PLEASE) follow us @BallotsBottles @EllenFlem @LexiDussi and connect with us on Facebook & Instagram. New content. EVERY DAMN DAY!