Ballots And Bottles

KavaNAH Means NAH



Lexi and Ellen are here to bring some levity to the news again…which is tough when all that’s happening is people dying and being sexually assault. They discuss the tragic storms of the past week, ICE making headlines again, Pussy Riot and the Massachusetts gas leaks that led to over 100 fires last week. The focus is of course Brett Kavanaugh. Will he be confirmed? Will he tell the truth? Does he even know the truth? Does Lexi even know his first name? Find out on this weeks episode. As always, rate us and subscribe. Tell your friends, tell your fam, tell a stranger on the street - WE HAVE BILLS TO PAY Follow us @EllenFlem @LexiDuss @BallotsBottles on twitter and @BallotsandBottles on Instagram As always, thank you to our team leader, mentor, boss, producer ect. Leah Williams