Ballots And Bottles

It's Kanye's world, we're just living in it.



Lexi and Ellen are back, the episode is a few days late, BUT as our good friend Kayne West reminded President Trump last week- "time is a myth". They focus their energy on Kanye's meeting with Trump feat. Jim Brown, Taylor's SWIFT political statement and The Clinton's world tour during and era of the #metoo movement. As always, subscribe and 5 star reviews only. Tell your friends, tell your fam, tell a stranger on the street - we accept all listeners. This is an inclusive podcast! Except for Ellen's mom... Ellen doesn't allow her to listen. Follow us @EllenFlem @LexiDussi @BallotsBottles on twitter and @BallotsandBottles on Instagram As always, thank you to our friend, fearless leader, mentor, boss, producer etc. Leah Williams!