Ballots And Bottles

Antisemitism, Pro Bar Mitzvah!



This week the ladies celebrate the Red Sox winning the World Series with their drink selections. Ellen goes with a classic Sam Adams October and Lexi is drinking Miller Lite. Wondering how a Miller Lite ties back to the Red Sox? Yeah, it's pretty elaborate... As always, they start the episode off by talking about themselves, which mostly entails Ellen recapping her Halloween weekend and giving Lexi advice on how to save money and become a better instagram user. Main focus for topics this week is closing the loop on the Pipe Bomber. Wondering who he is and what he drives? Well he's a psycho and he drives a white van covered in pro Trump stickers. Shocked? Yeah, neither was the FBI. They also discuss the Shooting in Pittsburgh which leads to a larger conversation around antisemitism. As if racism wasn't enough..... Lastly, with news dropping about Whitey Bulger's death, Ellen shares a chilling story involving her immediate family and reads a portion of a letter that James "Whitey" Bulger wrote himself i