Holy Heretics

Episode 8 Season 4 with Rabbi Rami Shapiro



While my personal life is between me, Clotho, Lachesis and Atropos, here are some highlights from my professional life: I was born on April 26, 1951 and circumcised eight days later. (OK, that was personal.) I earned rabbinic ordination from Hebrew Union College–Jewish Institute of Religion in 1981, and a PH.D. in religion from Union Graduate School in 1985. Over the past forty years I’ve been a USAF chaplain, a congregational rabbi, a business consultant, a university professor, and an author of three dozen books on religion and spirituality. In 2010 I was initiated into the Ramakrishna Order of Vedanta Hinduism by Swami Swahananda, and became a 32° Scottish Rite Mason (KCCH). Several years later I founded the Order of the Holy Rascal, and joined another secret society, The Grand Lodge of All Beings. I currently co-direct the One River Foundation (oneriverfoundation.org), write the “Roadside Assistance for the Spiritual Traveler” column for Spirituality & Health Magazine and host the magaz