Champions Of Change

Kori Chilibeck & Matt Moreau on Inventing Sustainable Futures to Solve World Hunger Champions of Change with Lindsay Christianson



 Canadian Bourne born and raised Edmontonian Kori Chilibeck is a social entrepreneur with demonstrated success in conceptualizing and executing new sustainable business models to blend capitalistic ventures with humanitarian goals.  Kori founded Earth-Water in 2005 in his campus apartment and old van his grandfather gave him. Kori later went on to found the Earth Group of Companies with Matt Moreau that include Earth-Water, Earth Coffee and Earth Tea.  The Earth Group exists entirely to provide food, water, and education to children globally.  We do this through a worldwide agreement with the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) that sees us donating 100% of our profits to WFP to fund school meal programmes.  We believe it is more important how you spend your dollars than how you vote, and we’ve created a vehicle to affect positive change in the world simply through your everyday purchases.The three Earth Products are the only products in the world with the United Nations World Food Programme logo on the