Think Fit

Think Fit Episode 106: The Best Ways To Start Losing Weight



You spoke and we listened and Think Fit is back to doing what we do best as we tackle the big topics to help our Think Fitters get healthier, lose weight and have fun doing it. This week, we start by talking about what you need to do to start losing weight. We look at the things we wish we could go back and tell ourselves before we lost weight. Not starving yourself, setting achievable weight loss goals, understanding what the numbers on the scale mean and how to safely and successfully start an exercise program are just some of the things we discuss. We aim to provide as much information for people who feel helpless or lost like we used to be before we managed to finally lose weight. We also cover the latest (and most important) health news of the week including whether red wine improves your mental health or causes cancer and the new protein powered diet from the CSIRO. Remember, if you sign up for our patreon you now get 2 episodes of Think Fit a week as well as other benefits: