Pitching The Truth

When You Finally Give up on Caring What Other People Think of You



Recently people have attempted to pull me back into past mistakes from years ago. I am not talking last year I am talking 7,8-12 years ago. Yes, I made a lot of mistakes but at some point after apologizing multiple time you have to let it go in your mind and you may have to let the person go as well. Take a listen to my stories on letting go and see if they resonate with you and as always thank you for listening.   "At the end of the day, sometimes you have to be an asshole. You can't do anything about it. You've reached the point where like, 'Okay, what am I going to do? Do you think I'm a jerk? Do you think I'm this? Do you think I'm that? So fine I am. I am." – Greg Kotsaftis   What do you want to hear from the Pitching the Truth podcast? Tell us here! Love the Podcast? Subscribe on iTunes for updates   Connect with Gregory Paul veracitygp.com Twitter Instagram Pitching the Truth Podcast