Boiling The Ocean

Consulting tactics and do you eat your own dog food?



In a very real sense, Mike and Ion give advice for a living. Perhaps you've sometimes wondered how well they practice what they preach, and whether - as the somewhat inelegant phrase goes - they eat their own dog food? In this episode, we discuss and in some cases debate the tips, tricks, and techniques from the world of management consulting that we regularly apply to our world. This is a more important conversation than it might seem at first blush. Contrarian philosopher Nicholas Nassim Taleb calls this “Skin in the Game”, and you should be looking for it in your consultants, but also financial advisors, car salesmen, and real estate agents among others. The adage to "do as I say, not as I do" is all too prevalent in society today, so it's useful, we thought, to list the parts of the toolkit we discuss on this podcast that we actually use on a consistent basis. From making sleep and exercise a top priority to enhance our cognitive fitness (Ion) to regularly using two-by-two matrices for his business strate