Wit Without Wisdom

Slangs that are Cool AF



Language is a fantastic tool for expressing our ideas, describing our world, and communicating our intentions. The English language is far from static as we add thousands of new words each year. Many of those new words get their start as slang. And in this episode, we take you on a journey through some of the most interesting slang of today and yesteryear.For any wordsmith, parent, or modern communicator, slang has some fascinating power. It not only explains new things and old things in new ways, but slang also provides insight into the latest generation’s focus and attention. In this episode we:• Explore slang from the 80s, 90s, and 00s.• Discuss slang terms that use older slang terms as their definition• Highlight the most resilient words• And bring you up to speed on the latest “words on the street.”No need to bring your urban dictionary, as we’ve got you covered on all the definitions. And you might also be able to help us out on some of the terms we discuss, but still, just don’t get.