Wit Without Wisdom

Do Men Deserve the Criticism They Get?



In an age where we must be cautious as to what we say, for one group it is open season for criticism and attacks. That group is Men. The reason is that today’s narrative is the belief that the male species has enjoyed centuries of unfettered privilege and consequently deserve all the criticism they receive. But is that true?In this episode, we explore the topic of men and all their faults. But rather than settling on a blanket agreement that men are the source of all evil, or promoting the idea that all men are the same, we delve into the societal and biological reasons for why men behave the way they often do.We discuss:* The often overlooked truth about how far privilege extends* The cost of that privilege in terms of real statistics on mortality* How biological factors play a role in men’s behavior* How both society and women reinforce the behaviors we claim we’d like extinguishedLending our own opinions on the topic, we draw the lines on what men need to take responsibility for and what things will requir