Wit Without Wisdom

Procrastination: Why We’ll Do It Later



Well, we put off the episode on procrastination for as long as we could. After all, of all the demons we face, the ugliest is the one who keeps records on everything we haven’t yet completed. If there is a person in the world who never procrastinates, they are probably an intolerable sort who silently judges the rest of us with their sanctimonious looks.Okay, that may be a little harsh. If you are the type of person who gets everything done, when it needs to be done, and well in advance of the deadline. Congratulations! This episode is not for you. For the rest of us, this episode dives deep (well twenty-four minutes deep) into the prevailing opinions and research on the causes of procrastination.In the episode we discuss:•The harmful health aspects of procrastinating•Why the traditional model and definition doesn’t really cover it all•The emotional causes for not getting things done•How personality may drive your procrastination style•And, possible genetic and biological factors that may be indicators of who