Define Your Purpose With Estela

#5: Writing the Perfect Email Pitch



Your Email Pitch is your personal connection to a brand. When it comes to an email pitch there are several factors you should know. There are 6 Important Factors to Look At: Do not copy & paste every single email pitch that you are writing. You want to create a template of your “perfect email pitch” but you also want to personalize it for each brand & share what you love about the brand & why you see yourself working with them & creating content for them. Your Subject line is key. Don’t just send an email that says “Hello” or “Beauty Blogger.” That subject line is not going to get you noticed. Think about the subject lines for emails that you do open. Why do you open them? Why do you want to read them? Are they sharing something that others are not? When you think about this you basically have to write your 1 line elevator pitch to the brand or company you want to work with such as “Collaborative Partnership for ______” or “Increase Your Brand Awareness with ______ Partnership.” You ge