Define Your Purpose With Estela

#6: Why Brands Say "NO"



Email pitches are the first part of the screening process when it comes to Marketing yourself as an influencer or blogger. Here are a few possible reason why you are hearing crickets. To find out the rest listen to the Podcast Episode. You do not know how to market yourself. How can you market yourself to a brand or a company without sounding like a sales rep? Do you know how to write a "copy." A copy is what brands or companies pay an editor to do when it comes to creating written text for products on Instagram, website or magazine. Do you know how to take & edit photographs professionally or at least edit them like one? Do you create content that only can be seen on your profile such as mini-videos that are only shared on IG stories? You do not know how to market your talent & skills: What other skills do you have to offer besides creating posts? Can you create 1 Minute IGTV videos that are exclusive for a brand? Can you write a guest post or blog post featuring their product & share i