Graphic Novel Tk

Episode 27 - Sales, with Jess Brigman



One of the jobs most shrouded in mystery at a publisher (at least for an author) is that of a sales rep. Who are they? What do they do? Despite the fact that editors, marketing, and publicity people spend a lot of time talking to sales reps, often those reps don't interact at all with authors directly. Sales reps are responsible for being the intermediary between the publisher and the retail outlets the publisher sells books to. They're responsible for making sure that stores know that books are coming, when they're coming, and how excited that they should be about them. Today on Graphic Novel TK, we talk to Macmillan Children's National Accounts Manager Jess Brigman about all of those things -- and get a behind-the-scenes look into how she does her job. Want to know more about Jess and Macmillan Children's? You can find MacKids online at their website (; Jess is on Instagram (