Graphic Novel Tk

Episode 28 - Distribution, with Julie Schaper



Distribution! What stores is your graphic novel in, and where is it displayed? Is it reaching the school and library market? Is it featured in museum stores and gift shops? Those questions are in part answered by what kind of graphic novel you've created, and what kind of critical acclaim it's receiving. But there's another major factor that goes into the mix, and that's distribution. Major publishers have their own distribution; smaller publishers will work with a larger distribution to make sure that their graphic novels are in as many of the appropriate places as possible. What goes into making that happen? We talk today to Julie Schaper, the publisher of Consortium Book Sales & Distribution, an independent distributor that works with multiple graphic novel publishers. She discusses her career in sales and distribution, and talks about Consortium's process for getting books out there. Want to learn more about Consortium? You can check out their website (which includes their extensive client list)at htt