Snippit Sports Science Podcast

Snippit 40 ► Death of the Hardgainers - Achieving Significant Strength Gains



Snippit is made possible by listeners like you. Please help support the podcast: ►    Today’s Snippit is a fascinating insight into how testosterone can be used as a marker to optimise and individualise the strength training protocols to optimise muscle strength and size gains:   Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research March 2008, Volume 22 (2), p 419-425 © 2008 National Strength and Conditioning Association ISSN: 1064-8011   Significant Strength Gains Observed in Rugby Players after Specific Resistance Exercise Protocols Based on Individual Salivary Testosterone Responses Beaven, C Martyn; Cook, Christian J; Gill, Nicholas D   Abstract    Our previous work has demonstrated that professional athletes show protocol-dependent variability in salivary testosterone (T) responses to resistance exercise (RE). The current study examines the consistency and functional outcomes of prescribing a RE regimen base