Masters Series

Startups, Stress and Mindfulness



For many startups, stress is just one of the energies that keeps things moving along. But high intensity and high pressure can take their toll on the health of founders and employees. This episode is an opportunity to take time out for yourself and to pick up a few healthy habits to incorporate into your day.  Omar de Silva founded business school The Plato Project to foster entrepreneurship with some good philosophies. He recommends mindfulness in the short term and over longer periods to spot damaging trends. Debra Longin had a traumatic experience that highlighted the dissatisfaction in her stressful career. Finding the same traits in founders, she established MAW Creative to encourage more mindfulness, art and wellbeing. Masters Series puts industry professionals in front of a room full of startups and entrepreneurs to share their experience and secrets to success. Thank you to Jahzzar for the music. Masters Series is presented by WeTeachMe. The Masters Series podcast is produced by Written &