Word Quota With Bec Mcnew

#8: But Now I See



So often hot topics such as ethnic reconciliation are politicized into bullies that keep us silent for fear of guilt by association or for the sake of a sinful pseudo unity, when the Word of God on our conscience should compel us to speak. In Episode 8, we will parallel the healing of a broken foot to the healing of the broken Body, and visit some everyday relational challenges faced by multi-ethnic family. MLK50 Conference Keynotes TheNewBec wordquota.com "Convict us where we’ve missed the mark, and disarm our hostility toward your correction." -Bec McNew "When something in our body is sick or broken, we care for it so that it may be healed. When the pain is deep, we evaluate the situation. We look inside to find the source of the problem, and we take the steps necessary for repair." -Bec McNew "True healing on issues of reconciliation and justice requires awareness, acknowledgement, conversation, and action. Not silence." -Bec McNew "Acknowledging that there is a problem while refusi