Word Quota With Bec Mcnew

#16: The Magical Miraculous



The supernatural. Is it real? Is it harmless? Is it dangerous? Is it okay to enjoy magically themed entertainment? TheNewBec wordquota.com "As with in the garden, the sinfulness, the threat to ourselves, comes when we are trying to seek anything other than God to be god to us- to usurp a power over God- to seek ourselves or other powers to give us a personal power trip or addiction to control." -Bec McNew "There lies a danger of diluting the magnificence of God’s supernatural existence, which in turn truncates the very source of our hope." -Bec McNew It’s in many stories about the magical miraculous that we see the parallel of Christ conquering death with life." -Bec McNew "Anything less than God himself is a danger when it’s elevated above Him." - Bec McNew "Creativity itself bears evidence to a designer God." "Stories of the magical miraculous can be used as innovative tools for some to behold the realization of God’s far-beyond-ourselves possibilities- his unfathomable awesomeness, his a